Saturday, February 04, 2006


Happened to drop in at MG road to run an errand today....n had my first encounter with the "walking plaza"....n it was one nightmare that I'll remember for sometime..
It was a.k.a climbing a mountain...believe me....the turning near barista that leads to east street has been closed, so to find a parking is the first task...thats ur first summit...well done if ur successful(specially from 6-9PM)...soon after this u realise that your mile away from where you want to go(if your not in a window shopping mood) the place I wanted to go was at least 2 kms far...what do I do a distance I saw a mini bus appraoching...what was that...?? the GoMgee joy ride bus...haha!! I am not travelling in that...convinced my legs to take me...After 10 mins of literally sprinting I managed to get on too east street...but omg! what was the whole mess abt???? What I got to see is a massive flock of people walking right in the center of east street....four generations matching their paces!....the place looked so different..with stalls.......loud chatter...the cloud of dust n human odour lying still...loud music on speakers spread over the entire stretch...n of course the GoMgee mascot doing its rounds...get past that bevy ...u have attained summit number two, or maybe 3...4...lost that count...whew!...the final summit now seems closer...finally after dodging thousands of people n saying sorry infinite times...I reached my destination...
On closer observation it seems to be yet another attempt that will go futile in the end...Shopkeepers on that end are the direct victims of this...they surely will have a run for their money if this is made a regular feature...n shopping no longer will be the same....the quiet n peace that the MG Road goers enjoyed while shopping will soon be alien....
The PMC sure thinks of it as an innovative idea to bring back the golden era that existed years back...but it only seems a paradise for the window shoppers...n the mindless wanderers...n kleptomaniacs....


Anirudh said...

MG road was a big mess before and now going by ur version, the new arrangement seems to make it even will b sad to see MG as a bhaji-market type place, coz it was one of the best places to hang around in pune...(ive spent arnd 13 yrs foolin arnd there)..

Soumya said...

yup dude..its a complete nightmare...its a mela....urban tho...people come in jeans n eat popkorn!

Rajesh said...

Shopping is Fun though :D

Soumya said...

u saying this?????? hahahaha!!!!!